Friday 14 February 2014

The lake


We have a cool crewdem at the moment consisting of 6 English girls including us, a London boy, an Italian boy, a Swiss boy and a nut case Dutch boy called Boris who tries to stand up in the hammock and flips it over so he's hanging onto it from underneath and also claims he can change into any shape (I suggested changing into a hard boiled egg, with a dippy yolk, and get eaten by Hercules the Viking - for a laugh).

Hercules is still so intense. He addressed the group by barking an order at us to relocate around to the other side of the garden because we were near his bedroom window. Everyone was so struck by this direct command that it was just received with silent nods and nervous smiles. I've been trying to sneak a photo of him but a) I'm too scared of being caught and b) his stare, should it actually meet the camera, would no doubt penetrate and destroy the lens. 

The boys were cooking everyone a curry last night when Hercules arrived in the kitchen to prepare his egg feast. I wrote "don't be afraid" on one of the stickers available for labelling your food and stuck it next to the cooker to encourage the boys not to abandon their dinner.

So we ate a blow-your-head-off-hot curry and then everyone decided, since it was raining, to go and sit in the lake and drink. So they all got into their still-wet from the beach swim wear, drank up and left. 

I finished work at midnight and had agreed to meet them in the lake. I got changed and, bottle of wine underarm, went down to the lake in the rain. No sign of them. The plan was to wade out to the boat and sit in it. Couldn't really see the boat but could kind of make out a shape. Already soaked and one or two swigs of wine down I contemplated going home as for all I knew, they could have changed plan and abandoned the lake idea and I would massively gambling by wading out into a completely dark lake, in the pissing rain, sober. 


Well fun.

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