Tuesday 4 February 2014

Making the most

So as some of you know, the ability to switch off in the presence of a relentless nag and deliver the single 'yes sir, no sir three bags full sir' is a virtue and one that we have decided to practice. After five days of working, we've got roughly three days off together so it's time to explore the island!

Yesterday we went up to the sand dunes to try sandboarding. Kerri hired a board while I shot some photos and then I had a go once she was knackered. (Climbing back up the hill in 35 degree heat at midday is harsh).

 She skates goofy and I skate/surf (I don't skate) regular so her board was a test for me, like writing with the wrong hand but it was so much fun! You have to wax the underside of the board each time with this little nobbin of candle wax they give you that everyone loses in the vast white dunes. It was so windy we felt like we were in the actual Sahara. The wind was whipping the sand against our legs and you could see the sand blowing down the dunes. So cool. We will be going back for more and hiring a board each. 

I went to a pool party on Saturday which was incredible but more like a wasp party  as there were so many wasps swarming about, crawling down straws in drinks, in people's mouths, all over everything to the point where you couldn't move away and had to just relax and be at one with them (easier when drunk!) The music was pumping and it was like being in an R n B music video with Latino girls in thong bikinis sipping cocktails on white beds around the pool. 

Saw someone who was at our hostel in Rio but he didn't remember me as he was so fucked he didn't even know his own name when I asked him - and then I met someone from Brighton! Represent! 

Small word again - no it's the Gringo trail! People all do the same route here. We've spotted the same three guys (who look like Brighton trendies with beards and train driver hats) in Rio first at Christ the redeemer, then on Ipanema beach and now walking down the street in Florionopolis! And Brazil is hardly a small country. 

Yesterday I got a discount on my acai because I spoke in portguese to the vendor (guessed what small talk he was going for - name, country etc) Kerri got charged 10 for hers and I got charged 6 so I got grilled cheese on a stick too. lOVE the beach snacks! 

Then yesterday evening the whip cracker summoned me to reception to her laptop an was like "come here I use you" and made me write the hostels policies in English whilst she gave me a brief idea of each one in portguese, it was tough!

Her: "ok, here we need make put if guests make book with other person no can change book information only guest"

Me: " err..information provided at time of reservation cannot be altered by third parties unless previously authorized?" 

Both of us staring at a screen of Portuguese, her popping off to smoke blunts and me trying to think back to all the PR writing I've never done! Haha! 

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