Wednesday 8 January 2014

A day in the life: ITH San Diego

Wake up with a pumping headache or still blazed from night before in your bottom bunk which is covered in sheets around the sides for privacy and realise you have 40 mins before work. Put shorts and tshirt on again because it's 23 degrees again.

Go to a breakfast of pancakes, waffles, maple syrup, fresh coffee and boiled eggs and sit with a collection of Chinese/Russian/Belgian/German/Australian/Brazilian/Italians. Get asked where you're from and how long you're here for, where you've been and where you're going. Consider writing this information on a sign and stapling it to your face for easy reference.

Get a rooming list from reception, printed in German, showing departures and start opening doors where people are still asleep. Open the door to room 5 where a Serbian man is still asleep, his room stinks because he was sick on himself during the night...come back later.

Get told there's a new guy from England. Investigate him with Kerri. He sounds like Kevin Bridges doing his "English" accent. Try so fucking not to laugh and attempt a snapchat.

Finish work....go sit on the steps and read a book in the sun or go down to the most amazing comprehensive supermarket and get spicy pacific sushi roll for only $10.99 and some crazy health drink, like a fermented blueberry tea elixir which is so "good for you" it tastes like booze.

Return to the hostel. Cook dinner for 30 hungry hippos who are circling like hawks from the minute you preheat the oven til the time you ring the triangle to signal it's ready. Learn another phrase in Portuguese.

Get handed a bud light and start all over again.

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