Thursday 23 January 2014

Exotic Queens

So last night we went to a Samba party in a Latin bar as one of the promoters also works on the bar at our hostel so she got us cheap entry. She's called Cecelia (she actually sang the song when she introduced herself). Respect.

When we got there it reminded us of a school disco: disco lights, not many people there and Samba music that we English, who only dance at volks with the classic signature one handed, one finger point to the ceiling move, dont understand.

There was free beer until 12 though so we returned to the bar holding out our little plastic cup for a warm refill with a massive head until they ran out.

We went to the loo and discovered several large but luckily dead cockroaches on the floor, just being kicked about by stilettos then noticed that one of the toilet cubicles didn't have a door. Neither did it have any suggestion of what might have been a door or where a door could have gone. It was just a free range toilet that was there for the slightly more lairy of girls to use should they wish.

Then when we stood by the mirrored walls watching the Samba, it started. The onslaught. It begun with a simple question of eye are so beautiful what colour are your eyes blue or green? Er blue thanks. Stay here I will be back. Swiftly relocate to the other end of the room where a circle of people are dancing. Get pushed into the circle, get clapped at, get another man wanting to have a photo with us.

As it filled up it got smaller and we were hassled so much, both of us. By so many different guys and at one point there were three telling Kerri they really liked me. Ahhhh! We felt like exotic celebrities but it was too much and neither of us are even slightly interested so we went to the other end of the room to hide from our predators and dance in peace.

Then we met some real nice Argentinians and spoke to them which was pretty tough because we have been trying to adjust to Portuguese so switching back to Spanish was confusing but easy after loads of free beer and Kerri was throwing in bits of Italian.

Today we had our last day on the beach in Rio...sad times. We went to Ipanema beach and had green coconut, acai again, meat on a stick, prawns on a stick....its the perfect life!

We were sat near the police tent when suddenly all the police ran over to the shoreline and more police arrived with guns everyone was like what the fuck and then they marched off with a young boy and a man. Then later they all ran off after someone else or maybe it was the same gang of kids. Reminded me of City of God. One little kid asked me for a crisp yesterday and he was so sweet that I gave him the whole bag.

We sat and watched the sunset and had a little snooze and many swims and then when the sun finally sets, at about 7.30/8pm, everyone on the beach lets out a big cheer and a round of applause, it's cute.

Off to an island tomorrow for four days!!! Hoping there are as few mosquitoes there as there are here; I've only been bitten twice here which is amazing!!

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